Thursday, October 2, 2014

Week Five - Two-Point Perspective

ANM 105 Perspective 1  (Download PDF)
ANM 105 Perspective 2 (Download PDF)
ANM 105 2-point Interior Corner (Download PDF)

Two-Point Perspective – There are two vanishing points on the horizon line, usually when looking at an object from an angle.
Three-Point Perspective – There are three vanishing points, with the third usually off of the horizon line.

Multiple-Point Perspective – There are several objects at differing angles in the composition with multiple vanishing points both on and off the horizon line.
Atmospheric Perspective (also called Aerial Perspective) – How atmospheric conditions (the air) influence our perception of objects in the distance,  Objects in the distance appear lighter in tone and detail, while objects in the foreground appear strong and crisp.

1. Draw an interior of a room with Two-Point Perspective in your sketchbooks, as demonstrated in "ANM 105 2-point Interior Corner" PDF.

2. From observation, draw boxes in Two-Point Perspective on Bristol. You may need to use newsprint or scrap paper to expend your horizon line outside the dimensions of your paper. Sight the angles of the boxes to find where the vanishing points are.

Homework: Due 9/9
From observation, draw an interior or exterior corner of a room or building on Bristol. Sight and use accurate Two-Point Perspective. Make sure to use newsprint or scrap paper if you need to extend your horizon line to fit your vanishing points. 

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